You can impact the future too.

Our Mission

Empower moms. Impact generations.

Our Vision

We will plant seeds today that will change the landscape of future generations in a positive way.

Who are we?

Seeds of Impact is a direct response to a growing number of moms who are feeling overwhelmed, under-resourced and alone in parenting. Many of these moms wish to parent their children in a healthy way, but don’t understand what that means. Seeds of Impact seeks to meet these moms where they are, encourage them, and empower them to take steps toward change. The goal of Seeds of Impact is to identify moms who have limited resources, community and parenting education and offer a positive support system that will help them develop positive parenting habits or change their current parenting habits and shift the trajectory of future generations in a positive way.

We believe that the impact of this program will be exponential. 

  • We provide free classes are for parents who want to learn more about the principles of healthy parenting.

  • We provide family coaching for more personalized support for moms and families. A family coach can meet with moms individually, with both parents, or with an entire family in a group session.

  • We provide free resources for parents:

    Impact Parenting Curriculum

    Parenting Guides

    Encouragement resources

    *Free resources are being added as funding makes it possible.

  • We created MomCo community groups as a way to connect moms who are in the same season. These groups provide a safe place to learn and grow together!

Why do we exist?