community | conversation | compassion

The Power of the Pause
From those that melt our hearts to those that shock our very cores, the things we experience and witness run the gamut. This is why the pause is such a powerful parenting tool. As with most humans alive, our emotions can get the best of us from time to time, and we find ourselves responding from those emotions.

Seeds Watered
When Brent and I finally decided that we could take the leap to single income, I had one year left to work toward being vested in my retirement. Basically, if I quit before that year, then I would not receive any of the money I had been contributing for the last nine years. So I continued working for one very, very long year. January 31 of 2014 was my last day of the required ten years. I would love to say that I finished out the year with my students, but I could not waste one more single day away from my kids.

Connecting through Family Time
Family time is a great way to connect intentionally with your kids and build strong relationships and connections. It can take on many shapes and forms within different families and even within different seasons

Three Reasons to Talk About Sex
We all remember that cring-ey moment when our moms or dads sat us down and pulled out a book. Thankfully! Well, those days are done!

Stages of Parenting
Parenting is much more than keeping kids alive. I was unaware of this when I first began, but thankfully I quickly learned that there is so much more to it. One of the most helpful things to know has been the stages of parenting.

Four Basics of Discipline
These four basics of discipline will help you create some peace in your home and set foundations that you can continue to build on throughout your parenting journey.

Respect vs. Respectful Behavior
We all want our kids to respect us as parents. But how do we get the respect we deserve? How do we get our kids to treat us with respect? Why do we need them to respect us?

Seeds Planted: Rachel’s Story
My full time career as a teacher was a great burden once I had children, but God used my time in the classroom to plant the seeds for a future helping moms.